14th Entry - Last Annual Report 2022

Hi my dear Readers,

It has been quite some Time since my last post. I hope everyone is doing fine. 

Let's get straight to business. As you would expect, in year 2022 nothing of notice actually happened, at least not for me and my stocks. It goes up and down as usual. I guess I have been getting used it by now, only took me 5 years for it. 

 So since I notice, that continue investing and holding on to stocks is kinda boring and "uneventful", I came to the conclusion that there is really no point in continue this website/creating new Post. 

I mean, i know i don't have a lot of readers/followers, but One is not Zero. So i still feel the "pressure" of having to create content, even for the few of you. But I don't want to waste peoples time, since i also hate it, when other people waste my time. If i can't create Value (entertainment or wisdom), there is no point in keep going.

 But if you have followed my "Dividend List" Post, you can see, that this strategy actually works. In 5 Years i have a Income of 3.500 € already. In Germany you can live by with only 9.000 € Income per Year (if you are really tight with your money). So i kinda proved my point, that everyone, with some money to spare and time, can reach financial independence.

This is as good as it gets.


Some personal Things as a sidenote:

I dream of making an organisation to fight poverty, but the problem is, to fight Poverty, you need money. Poor people don't have it. Middle Class wouldn't trust it (since it's not well known) and High Class don't care (since they are rich anyways). So I have to be a rich person myself to make it work. This is a very hard road and way harder than to actually reach Financial Freedom just for myself. I am really not sure, how long it will take and if I can make it happen or if I surrender midway. Which me Luck in my endeavour.

Also I just bought a House in December 2022. So i have to pay the Mortage first befor going for it (my dream). I hope I can be done with it in 5 years.

I wish everyone to stay in good health, be succesful in whatever you try to achive and be happy.

Fare Well o/



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