13th Entry, Annual Report 2021
Welcome back my dear Reader,
Hope you are doing fine. The Time sure goes fast. It feels like 3 days ago as I wrote my last report. I get older, but did I get wiser? I started investing mid 2017 and now I can say I have over 4 years of experience with stocks. Looking how my stocks grow in volume is really amazing.
Yeah, lets talk about volume. At the start I wanted to invest only 50 to 200 Euro per month. So lets calculate. 200 Euro x 12 (months) x 4 (year) = 9.600 Euro. 9.600 Euro ist the amount I should have invested. I fell in love with investing and starting spending alot of money in the first 2 years. At the third year i calmed myself down and was not as strong emotionaly invested in stocks as befor anymore. Now at the end of year 2021 I nearly gained 9.400 Euro of dividends since my journey.
Think about it for a moment and let it sink in. 9.600 Euro I should have invested in 4 years, but now I have received ~9.400 Euro in 4 years in dividends.
I would totaly not believe it myself, if anyone in the world would say this to me. That's totaly insane and I am still dazzled (is that even the correct word? what ever) to this day. Many people, who talk about investing, talk about numbers like 100.000 or 500.000 or 1.000.000 dollars. For example: If you go for 50 years and invest 1.000 Dollar at the start with 8% growth you would have nearly 8.000.000 dollars at the End. If i have to choose 8.000.000 dollars in 50 years or 9.600 euro in 4 Years. I would pick the later.
Here is the reason why: First humans are not good at being patient and they are even worse thinking for the long-run. Second, we never know when we die. People die with age 25, some die in a caraccident, others through an illness and to make it even worse: some people forget the passwort to access their money.
So 4 or even 5 years is a deal, I can consider and comply to. After it, i make a new deal. I guess, that is also part of the reason why so many people nowadays are only married for 2 to 7 years. But that is a different story.
Let's get back to the 9.400 Euros. This is the combination of investing longterm and investing "big first and small later on" (there is sure a cool professional name to it, i just don't know it anymore) and compound effect. But I am not sure, if I should recommend people, who know nothing about stocks, should try and follow, what i did. Maybe i am just lucky.
The gains i gained because of corona are less than the loses I got from corona. So my "luck" is at least not dependend on some "big events" like corona. I guess, we can agree on that, as long as someone is willing to start the journey and follow through it, that someone will get somewhere, since it is not guranteed to reach your destined goal (get 1.000.000 within 5 years for example).
What comes to my mind: Slow and steady wins the race.
That is soo clichée, i can only shake my head while writing this. Just do it. Invest and see for yourself how it goes up.
Now to the dividens:
In year 2020 i gained ~2.280 Euro. For 2021 i gained 2.870 Euro. It's a little bit more than i have gained in 2019. I am really curious if i can reach 3.000 € Dividend in 2022. I mean my first 1.000 Dividends in 2018 was very awesome. This is the next milestone for me I think.
Stockwise, there wasn't much change for me personaly in 2021. Since i do not track alot of stocks, i don't really have to rebalance. I hope tho, that New Resident Investment Reit will start to push their dividends in 2022. Corona isn't a issue anymore, so if they still don't increase their dividends, it just shows their bad management.
Soo that's it for today. See you in the future ;)
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