10th Entry - Year 2018 Summary
Hey Guys and Girls, Quite a long time have past, so it feels, but I hope my dear readers can forgive me about that. Soo 2018 has past and all an Happy New Year I guess. And also Happy Christmas. Now lets get back to business shall we? I think I start with the most important one: The Performance For me performance is internal interest Rate. Like How well did my money work. It is not the same as the true time weighted Rate of Return. The TTWRR works more like this: I invest 100€ at 01.01.2018 00:01 and compare it to what i have at the end at 31.12.2018 23:59. That means, if I invest 100€ at the start, at the end of 2018 my Bank would say to me: Your Balance is 92,75€ right now. So while TTWRR only invest once at the start, the IIR see how well every single unit worked. That's how I understand it. If I am wrong then so be it. From 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018 my overall Performance seems to be at around -7,25% . So the attentive reader would say: Investing in stockshares w...